Sailor Bar Trek - 6/21/2020

Now that our parks have opened, this morning I decided to take the dogs for a walk along the American River. I like Sailor Bar because it has a nice area with lots of trees, no river current and there are lots of different water fowl to enjoy.

With Loki in the lead . . . off we go on a trail that I had never been on before.

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We saw fly fishermen, hip deep in water that I know to be very cold. It is snow melt and it is released from the bottom of the Folsom Dam . . .
We came upon so many beautiful views of the River.
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and, this couple fishing from their boat
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The air was delightfully filled with the licorice aroma from the many Fennel plants.

There were few wild flowers left at this time of year but I did see one, just one, very late blooming California Poppy. There were oodles of the daisy like yellow flower and the plant that has gone to seed but I have no idea what the name of either plant is.
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Coming to the end of our nearly 1 hour trek, I became aware that Turkey Vultures were circling over head. Were they hoping we would not make it make it back to civilization?

What on earth was the original purpose of this rusted out 1 ½” cable - a section just coming out of the ground?

My guess is that it is something left over from all of the (awful) dredging for gold that was going on from 1952 to 1959.

Loki was getting good at following the trails. I wonder what previous experiences he might have had in his previous life - I fear they were few to non existent.

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The delights continue . . . as we were approaching the road, which would take us to the parking area, down the road came a woman walking her horse - what a surprise! It was an unknown as to what reaction the dogs would have to this huge, strange creature. Luckily, the dogs had no reaction.

We followed the horse, from a respectable distance, back to the river and the parking area.

Though the horse’s owner was trying to coax the horse into the water, the horse had about as much interest in getting in the water as Loki did - barely getting feet wet.

What kind of a Retriever doesn’t love water?